This Project

My first of many posts for this project and a short reflection of what it's all about.
April 10, 2023

This project has been a long time coming. I've dabbled on and off with publishing content online for years going back to my early college days. The idea of creating universally accessible content and seeing what traffic can be obtained as a result is fascinating to me. But until now, I haven't put anything into production what I would consider a serious attempt. I look to change that with this particular project and hopefully I'm able to gain a bit of traction. We will see.

That said, it is still not entirely clear to me what I intend to do with this project. Right now, I've established this project as a place to collect my thoughts, take notes, and be deliberate in my planning. I have generally taken notes and journaled on a variety of topics, but I've typically done so offline up until this point. With this project, I'm taking those efforts and making them accessible to anyone. This serves my own purposes as well given I now can index, search, and otherwise engage with the content created here in more complex ways than would be possible with other mediums.

As this project grows in terms of both size of content and code base, I'll introduce some of the widgets and other resources I've developed through the years to aid my personal and professional efforts. This may include tools to assist with budgeting and personal finance or tools to assist with commercial real estate investment which is what makes up most of my day job activities.

One initial problem I see is the diverse range of topics I plan to discuss here. My professional life is split among a variety of partnerships from software development, investments, commercial real estate and so on. I expect visitors to be unlikely to traverse these topics and thus am concerned a lack of narrow focus may be a limiting factor to getting off the ground. Although I recognize this as a weakness, I'm not going to change course because my primary intention isn't to produce content for purposes of generating traffic. Even though I previously mentioned this to be an interest. But rather the content is for its own sake as a part of my reflective process and personal growth. That said, I'm no martyr and would monetize my efforts if the opportunity presents itself.

I expect this project to evolve with time, just as my interests tend to. What's emphasized today may be archived tomorrow. At the very least, I intend to now give this project a good shot at life. If you like what you see, stick around.